If all goes as planned We Three Kings will be released in time for Christmas 2020. If you would like to join our team in order to achieve this goal, there are several ways you can be involved.
Here are a few of the ways you can be involved:
- Prayer covering
- Funding – We are using a combination of investors and donors to fund this film. Living Water Fellowship, Denver has teamed up with Thorn Crown Films by creating a fund to help produce Christian films. To give a tax deductible gift to We Three Kings, please visit the church website and select “Christian Film Fund” in the dropdown menu: www.lwfdenver.org/online-giving
- Volunteering (primarily in the Denver, Colorado area)
- Acting (primarily looking for talent in the Denver, Colorado area)
- Crew (limited positions available)
Please contact us if you’re interested in helping in one of these ways or sign up to receive information about auditions, announcements and progress reports.