The weather outside was indeed frightful, but inside the lodge we were staying in it was truly delightful as Stacie and I hammered out the first draft of the We Three Kings script this week in Leadville Colorado. I am very pleased with the amount of writing that we accomplished. There is hope that this film will be made this year!
We are going for a one hour feature for children, the first draft is around fifty pages. We have quite a few spots with a neat little row like this xxxx to show us where we need to add more detail.
I love the mountains when they’re covered in snow and fog. We were well provisioned. Blueberry cheesecake. Coffee. Story fuel. Sit Long, Talk Much. That’s exactly what we did! She says she’s not a writer, but she can put words on a page! It’s super handy when the Director and the Producer are married… Absolutely love the place we were staying.
Stacie’s desire to bring clarity to what each of the gifts signify is helping us fill in the details on this story. A prominent family like the Hopkins family has quite a bit of information still available, but there is much we do not know. That is where explaining the meaning behind the words is turning out to be a real blessing. It also allows us to have this snippet in a scene:
She starts dabbing her eyes again. Katherine hastily hands the cake
to Charles and gives Mrs. McDonald a hug.
Oh Mrs McDonald! I am so sorry. I
didn’t know you had Myrrh in your life.
Stay tuned if you want to know more about Myrrh and this movie.
Until then – Joseph J Graber for the We Three Kings team.